Ramey Campbell, Artist
A native of Alexandria, Virginia, I began painting as a youngster, receiving instruction and encouragement in grade school. I moved to the Somerset area in Central Virginia as a teenager, attending Orange County High School, and later returned to the area after completing my pharmacy studies at the University of Virginia and the Medical College of Virginia. After completing my pharmaceutical studies, I resumed my passion for painting. Through private studies with Bill Sullivan, I have received my artistic instructions by attending art classes at Piedmont Community College, many painting workshops throughout Virginia, and art instructions with Ron Boehmer at the Beverley Street Studio School Stanton, Virginia.
Over the past 30 years, I have entered many painting competitions and participated in many Central Virginia exhibitions. My works can be seen at the Dogwood Village in Orange, Virginia, the Orange Art Center, The Loft Art and Craft Shop in Culpeper, and Premier Virginia Real estate office in Gordonsville, Virginia.
Ramey Landscapes Studio, Orange County Virginia
Ramey Landscapes
An exploration in color and texture.
A native of Alexandria, Virginia, I began painting as a youngster, receiving instruction and encouragement in grade school. I moved to the Somerset area in Central Virginia as a teenager, attending Orange County High School, and later returned to the area after completing my pharmacy studies at the University of Virginia and the Medical College of Virginia. After completing my pharmaceutical studies, I resumed my passion for painting. Through private studies with Bill Sullivan, I have received my artistic instructions by attending art classes at Piedmont Community College, many painting workshops throughout Virginia, and art instructions with Ron Boehmer at the Beverley Street Studio School Stanton, Virginia.
Over the past 30 years, I have entered many painting competitions and participated in many Central Virginia exhibitions. My works can be seen at the Dogwood Village in Orange, Virginia, the Orange Art Center, The Loft Art and Craft Shop in Culpeper, and Premier Virginia Real estate office in Gordonsville, Virginia.